Faculty of Physics of the Saint Petersburg State University, Russia, graduated in 2000.
Ph.D. in Physics at Saint Petersburg Technical University, Russia in 2003.
1994 – 1997 ~ Junior researchers, researcher in biophysics in Saint Petersburg Institute of High Performance Computation and Data Base, Russia,
1997 – 2000 ~ Researcher in biophysics at Saint Petersburg Technical University, Russia,
2000 – 2004 ~ Senior researcher, head of the sector of Informational Computer Technologies in Saint-Petersburg Scientific-Research Institute for Physical Culture,
2004 – till now ~ Cofounder and CEO of Bioentech (Bioenergy Technologies)Ltd, Russia (Scientific Center and Manufacture)
2008 – till now ~ Head of the Scientific Center (Bioenergy Technologies) of the Bonch-Bruevich Saint - Petersburg State University of Telecommunications, Lecturer of Biophysics, Professor.
2013 – till now ~ Founder and CEO of Brain Beat Ltd, Russia
2013 – till now ~ Cofounder and CEO of Telebiomet Scientific Center in Moscow Technical University Of Communications And Informatics
From 1992 to 1997 Theory of elementary particles and of fundamental interactions
From 1997 till now Development of technologies for diagnostics and human recovery, Biofeedback, Brain Computer Interface, Telemedicine, Pattern Recognition, Mathematical Simulation in Biophysics
More than 80 articles in scientific journals and materials to congresses, 3 books, 12 patents
The mission of the “Bioentech” Company (Scientific Center) center lies in the solution of the following tasks:
The Bonch-Bruevich Saint - Petersburg State University of Telecommunications is a very well-known university in the area of communications and telecommunications. The university has rich traditions and a long history, and at the same time is one of the most innovative universities in Russia. The university’s main goal is to prepare highly qualified specialists in the field of telecommunications, who would possess fundamental knowledge and skills in applying various methods and techniques, who are able to formulate and solve scientific and engineering problems, and who are also capable of making independent decisions.
The Bonch-Bruevich University offers training programs in communications and telecommunications, biomedicine electronics, economics, management, advertising and public relations; which are much in demand in the workforce market today. The university provides 15 degree programs to 10,000 students. The university is developing a tiered system of continuous training: high school - lyceum - college - university. Graduate education includes doctoral and post-doctoral studies programs, as well as in-service training programs. Full-time students who are citizens of Russia can enroll in the Reserve Officer Training Program at the Institute of Military Education, a separate structural unit of the university.
The high quality of education at the university is confirmed by the fact that almost all graduates of the university are able to find employment upon graduation.
On the 11th of February, 2011, the Moscow Technical University of Communications and Informatics (MTUCI) celebrated its 90th anniversary. Among dozens of thousands of its graduates, there are well- known scientists and specialists, outstanding state and public figures of Russia and many countries of Asia, Africa, Europe and Latin America.
Today the MTUCI is the largest educational and scientific center for preparing and retraining of highly skilled specialists in the field of telecommunications, informatics, radio engineering, economics and management.
Crownscopy is a method to evaluate Energy and psychophysiological state of the patient based on the analysis of crown discharge captured around the patient’s fingers in a high frequency electromagnetic field.
A new generation of improved hardware&software systems “Crownscope” has been developed using this approach. The technologies are based on optoelectronic emission (crown or gas discharge visualisation), together with innovative dynamical registration of luminescence and biological feedback.
Crownscopy suggests an essentially dynamic method to explore objects, based on the analysis of changes in crown discharge over time in high-frequency electromagnetic field.
The Crownscopy method is a well developed dynamic approach to the study of crown images of objects. It is the result of the development of various methods of observation and analysis of the object luminescence in a high-frequency electromagnetic field (“Kirlian effect”, and in particular the GDV method) – from static images to the dynamic properties of the objects. In other words, this is a computer visualisation and analysis of temporal dynamics of the “Kirlian effct” of the examined objects.
“Crownscope” is a hardware&software kit designed to evaluate psychophysiological, adaptive and energy state of the patient based on the analysis of the properties of optoelectronic emission captured around the patient’s fingers and face in high-frequency electromagnetic field. This kit is a system which helps to visualise dynamical distribution of energy flows in the medium, and in particular, the energy field of the patient. The kit also helps to correct the energy field based on biological feedback.